Saturday 14 February 2015

Is the Hair Transplant Painful??

No Absolutely not -Nuleaf Hair Transplants, Pune!!

A common misconception about the hair transplant is that it is extremely painful. This arises from the fact that when FUT or strip method was done (before its perfection) a lot a people suffered from pain due to stitches. Some surgeons in the past put surgical skin staplers instead of stitches (to reduce the time of the surgery), this caused horrible discomfort to the patients. 
However, these are the problems of the past. There is no pain that is intolerable/uncomfortable in hair transplantation any more. The following are some of the techniques developed for the reduction of pain during the anesthesia (remember only anesthesia would be painful, once it sets in, there will be absolutely no pain. The methods utilized below are to reduce even the pain of anesthesia to zero level!)

1. Icing or application of ice:

Ice application over a specific part of the skin will numb it. Its not something new, however few people used it before. When we give anaesthesia, we apply ice for a few seconds, the area becomes numb, then we inject the anaesthesia and the person undergoing the transplant feel nothing. This is because of numbing of the skin!

2. Vibrating device:

If vibrations are applied over the skin, with the help of special device, the skin diverts the pain sensations going to the brain, confuses it to think there is no pain. It is basically a method of diverting the pain sensations. But it works fantastically.

3. Simple tapping of the area of injection:

Simple tapping with fingers on the area to be injected with anaesthesia will also divert the pain stimulus but not to an extent a vibrating device does it. 

What we do at Nuleaf Hair Transplants :

We combine the vibrations and ice to produce the most effective method of pain reduction. Hardly anyone feels pain with our technique. We have a specially designed device which chills down up to -4 degree centigrade  and also vibrates to produce effective anaesthesia.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Most Bizarre Myths About Hair Transplant

Collection of bizarre myths on internet about hair transplant that our patients told us!

1. [Bizarre Myth 1]Hair Transplant can cause cancer
Myth Busted: In Hair transplant, your own hair are planted, no other material. There is absolutely no risk of cancer, you can be sure of it!

2. [Bizarre Myth 2]Hair Transplant can cause brain damage

Myth Busted: Hair Transplant is a very superficial surgery. We don't go below the skin level. Some patients may fear this myth because of the proximity to the brain. But for us, brain or any vital structures are miles away from our operating field.

3. [Bizarre Myth 3]You can not cut planted hairs ever

Myth Busted: You can cut you hairs after they are planted. We take the hairs from the back of the scalp. They will grow over the front as they were growing in the back of the scalp. You can cut them, shave them, dye them: they will continue to grow.

4. [Bizarre Myth 4]In Robotic Hair Transplant, actual robots do the surgery                                 Myth Busted: We heard this from a patient of our. However there are no robots which perform the entire surgery on their own till date. The robotic hair transplant which some surgeons are promoting is called ARTAS, which only covers the scoring or punching part in FUE procedure. Robots still have a long way to go in hair restoration surgeries. So beware of the false advertisements!

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Thursday 5 February 2015

Hair Transplant Quick Facts

Why Hair Transplant is Permanent?

Permanent Hair Zone of the Scalp

Permanent Zone of Scalp:

In Hair Transplant, whether it is by strip or FUT method or by FUE method, the donor hairs are taken from the above mentioned permanent zone of the scalp. In a simpler terms back of the scalp and side of the scalp and not from the front and top portion of the scalp. This is done for a simple reason: Hair from the permanent zone areas are not affected by the process of baldness and hence if they are planted over the bald areas, good hair will grow. Nothing is wrong with the scalp/skin in the bald areas. Its the hair in these areas which are genetically destined to get lost as your age progresses. 

This is the reason Hair Transplant is a permanent method of Hair Coverage
And yes: The planted hairs grown naturally: You can cut them, dye them, shave them off-they will grow back again just like your original hairs. You can visit for before and after pictures of the hair transplant patients
Nuleaf Hair Transplant Pune Free Consultation