Wednesday 29 October 2014

Hair Line Correction: FUE Method

The Hair Line

Hair line is the line where the front boundary of the hairy scalp starts. This is the line if irregular will change the shape and appearance of entire face. IN males, the recession of the hair line starts as early as 16 years of age. Males typically have a hair line which is u-shaped or v-shaped. 

As the age progresses, this ‘V’ becomes even more acute, which is often referred to as a ‘receding hair line’. In males who are prone to develop baldness,  this receding hairline advances very fast  and causes ‘baldness’.  Receding hairline more than anything is a prominent sign of baldness.

In females, the usual shape of the hair line is inverted u-shape. There are some irregularities in the hair line of females which are important for it have a natural appearance. Females even in presence of ‘female pattern baldnedd never lose their frontal hair line. However in few women, because of variety of reasons, most common being traction, hair line can get asymmetrical or less dense 

The Solution

The solution to this problem is very simple. A mini-session of FUE hair transplantation corrects the hair line easily and will give a permanent solution. This correction typically requires 400 to 800 grafts. The hair growth is very similar to what occurs after routine hair transplantation. Since FUE or Follicular Unit extraction method is a type of hair transplantation which is very minimally invasive, this is an ideal procedure for correcting the hair line. For more information regarding hair transplantation click here.

For correcting your hair line from the experts at Nuleaf Skin & Hair Clinic contact 9011-73-9011 or email on

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